Monday, July 31, 2006

Image is Everything

Group Question:
define REALITY.
Reality: the actual state of things, the state of being real.

Definition- Real: authentic, genuine, not artificial or counterfeit, actually existing.

We live in a world that has mastered fake products, fake fame, and fake friendships. It’s easy to act and dress like somebody famous, but then you are missing out on who you really are.

You might have a close circle of friends who know the real you, but maybe you always feel like you have to act a certain way so people will accept you. Feels like you’re always wearing a mask.

Is there anybody that knows the real you?
There is and it’s God. God knows you. He knows every thing about you. He knows your thoughts, desires, strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures. He knows it all. Why, how? Because He created you.

When it comes to our self image we:

Face the fear of rejection – need to mask who we really are so people don’t find out the real us.

Seek the comfort of acceptance – need to feel loved.

Strive for coolness –confident in who we are.

We find it in two places:

Our environment (family, friends, culture) –magazines & Media
How do we base our identity on our environment?
1) We are told that our identity comes from what we have done ourselves (our accomplishments (sports, hobbies, or from our failures).

2) We are told that our identity comes from what people say about you (popularity in school, unpopularity, rumors, accolades…)

3) Your behavior tells you what to believe about yourself (i.e. “If I act cool than maybe I will be cool”. Or if you aren’t cooperative with people in authority you start believing that you don’t need to listen to anyone if it cramps your style. OR Snowboarding image.

Can you really base your image on your accomplishments, on your behavior?
All of the stuff in the magazines or that the world has to offer will never make us real. Once we obtain what is being sold we will find that there will always be something bigger and better. The computers and cars will only get faster. The fashions will eventually go out of style. What now?

When we begin to base our worth on our looks, status, or possessions, where do we go? If we look to our environment for a good self image, we will never measure up since their message is constantly changing.

We can find it in:

Our Maker (God)
Bible verses that help us see how God views our identity.

Read: Psalm 139
Real life comes from the giver of life Himself.

Psalm 139:4; Genesis 1:26; Isaiah 43:1; Ephesians 1:3­4; Jeremiah 29:11; John 1:12; John 1:12; Ephesians 2:8­10; John 15:15; Philippians 4:19; Romans 12:1; Ephesians 2:19

How do we base our identity on our Maker?
1) Our identity comes from what God has done for us (giving credit where credit is due [story of stealing credit])

2) Our identity comes from what God says about us (Eph. 2:10)

3) What we believe determines our behavior (if we believe in God, then we reflect that in how we live out our life)

One last thought: Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder: No one cares about you more than God does. He made you and he loves you. Base your self image on what he has to say about you, not other people.

Isn't it incredible that God has said all of these wonderful things about each one of us? How does it make you feel to know that God knows you so personally?

However, God only says these things to His children. The fact is that not all of the billions of people on this planet are God's children.

Yes, we are all created in His image, but our sinful nature has separated us from our Heavenly Father.

Yes, it is true, we cannot escape the reality of sin in our lives (Romans 3:23).

But the good news is we can be restored to God's family by putting our faith in His Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sin.

This is how much God really loved us (Romans 6:23; 1 Corinthians 6:19­20).

It’s your choice, what are you going to base you worth on?


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